"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers"

John R. Noe
"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers"
High Achievers........
1.Make no small Plans
"Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will not die."-Daniel H. Burnham. If you ever want to be successful in life, never make small plans. Always try to make big plans because the smaller your dream, you'll realize that's all you can do. Making bigger plans will show your will to thrive and never take no for an answer. Set big goals for yourself and you willl see that your goals will and can be accomplished through the hard work you put in. Risk more, stretch more, and make more mistakes. Remember the cautious never reach new shores or climb big mountains. If there wasn't the possibility of failing, then the thrill of victory would be missing. All of us have in our heart the image of the person we can be and the life we can live.

2. Do What They Fear
People all around, even your family, fear everyhting that they dislike. But the one thing people fear, is someone less fortunate becoming more successful than them. They fear being overthrown. You shouldn't fear what they fear. You go and fight to become successful. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't become successful because that means they fear you. Strive for greatness. People fear of losing their power over us. prove them wrong. Go to school and become successful. Show them you are not afraid of the obstacles that will come your way. Show you will fight through the obstacles in order to become sucessful. People fear what they don't understand and they don't understand how someone less fortunate can become successful. Do what they fear. Do what they think is wrong and out of balnce. Strive for greatness and do what they fear.

3. Are willing to prepare
4. Are willing to risk failure
"What does failure teach us?" Does failure chip away at our frasgile egos and lessen our chances of ultimate success? Is it satan who cause our failures or is it god who always wants us to win? Researcgers how us that the average entrepreneurs fail an average of 3.8 times before they finally make it ina business venture. They recognize that three steps forward and two steps backward still have a net result of one step of progress. If you can decide to se your own failures as a necessary part of your progress, you will seperate yourself from the average person and put yourself in the category of potential high achiever. "Many of life's failures are people who do not realize how close they were to success when tnhey gave up."-Thomas Edison. Most people try to avoid failure like a bad disease. They cring at prospect and may stay in a safe but unchallenging position, an unfilling job, a familiar but boring career, at the bottom hill as others master the peak. "Failure is the opportuntiy to begin again more intelligently>"-Henry Ford. Embrace failure as legitimate step in the right direction. See it as a stepping stone toward the success you want.

5. Are teachable
To be teachable means that you have the mindset of a life long learner. Louis armstrong once said, "There are some people that if they don't know, you can't teach them. Some people want to be right, even when they aren't." And as a reslut, life is difficult for them. They will never find the pathway of learning nor do they learn from the lessons life offers to those with a teachable spirit. Teachability is a choice. We choose whether we are open or closed to new ideas, new expirences, other's ideas, people's feedback, and willingness to change. If you want to know your a teachable person, here are some traits: 1. Teachable people have an attitude conductive to learning, 2. Teachable possess a beginner mindset, 3. Teachable people take long hard looks in the mirro, 4. Teachable people encourages others to speak into their lives, and 5. Teachable people learn something new everyday. Being teachable will help you increase your chance of reaching your goal. Losing creates teachable moments, because you learn from the mistakes and you let it happen again. If you want to be a quality athlete you have to have a teachable spirit. athletes want to learn and improve everyday. They bring enthusiasm for continuous improvement every day. They know that correction happens because acoach sees potential in them to get better. The non-athlete looks at any correction as criticism, and often responds with an excuse. Be teachable so you can be successful in life.

6. Have heart
The last attitude of high achievers is to have heart. What it means to have heart is to be passionate. Don't be boring or dull but be passionate. "To be successful you have to have your heart in your business and your bussiness in your heart," Thomas Watson Sr. This quote is explaining how in order to be successful in life, you have to be passionate in what your doing. If your not passionate in what your doing you want have the fire or the passion to be able to succeed. You have to put your heart out in whatever job or sport your doing if you want achieve greatness. You could stay a dull, boring guy cause you didn't pursue your passion. Passion fuels confidence. a person with passion typically exudes confidence, and confidence creates value for themselves and others by leading the way, not showing the way. Passion creates excitement. Excitement is something that can be shared and creates orgtanized value, not disarray. Passion is contagious. when your passionate, you make everyone else around you feel excited and everyone wins. You are viewed as great mentor and passion creates group dynamics & value.

These six attitudes of high achievers are the way that leads to success. The six attitudes are 1.Make no small plans, 2. do what they fear, 3. are willing to prepare, 4. are willing to risk failure, 5. are teachable, 6. have heart. If you ever want to be successful in life, you have to follow these attitudes one by one. I know I have started following these attitude. I made sure that every goal I have in life it is not something small, but something big. In order to be successful you have dream big and you will get big results. Next I made sure that I do what everyone fears or what is not correct. If you do what everyone fears, they will hate on you and this will fuel to reach your even more. After that I made sured I am prepared for what is to come when trying to achieve my goal. Next I made sure that failure is bound to come your way when trying to achieve your goal and I made sure I prepared for so I could bounce even harder. After that, you have to be teachable. What that means is you have to learn from your mistakes and be able to surpass them. Finally have heart. If you don't love whatever your trying to do, then stop doing it. The only way you'll ever be successful if your passionate whatever your doing and you want to keep on doing it for the rest of your life. These six attitudes are the key to success.

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